Section: Research Program

Speech analysis

Phonetic and sub-phonetic analysis: We developed a novel algorithm for automatic detection of Glottal Closure Instants (GCI) from speech signals using the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism (MMF). This state of the art algorithm is considered as a reference in this field. We made a Matlab code implementing it available to the community (link). Our approach is based on the Microcanonical Multiscale Formalism. We showed that in the case of clean speech, our algorithm performs almost as well as a recent state-of-the-art method. In presence of different types of noises, we showed that our method is considerably more accurate (particularly for very low SNRs). Moreover, our method has lower computational times does not rely on an estimate of pitch period nor any critical choice of parameters. Using the same MMF, we also developed a method for phonetic segmentation of speech signal. We showed that this method outperforms state of the art ones in term of accuracy and efficiency.

Pathological speech analysis and classification: we made a critical analysis of some widely used methodologies in pathological speech classification. We then introduced some novel methods for extracting some common features used in pathological speech analysis and proposed more robust techniques for classification.

Speech analysis of patients with Parkinsonism: with our collaborators from the Czech Republic, we started preliminary studies of some machine learning issues in the field essentially due the small amount of training data.